Local Groups – Community
Bellcote Meadow Millennium Green
See Web Page for details
Bible Society Shefford and District Action Group
Who we are:
We are a group of Chistians from different churches and denominations in and around Shefford. We are committed to supporting Bible Society:”helping to make the Bible heard in this country and around the world”. We are committed to helping people understand the Bible for themselves.
What we do:
Provide a monthly study, prayer and fellowship meeting.Run events to raise awareness of the Bible and work of Bible Society, and raise funds for that work.Offer our resources, and those of Bible Society to the local community.
Biggleswade Round Table
Contact: Ian King – Chairman
Biggleswade Round Table
17, Sullivan Close
SG17 5SG
Bloomfield Games Association – (MUGA)
Shefford has its own floodlit Multi Use Games Area. This facility has an all weather hard surface and is the largest MUGA in the District. It is available to hire by any club and the charges are extremely reasonable. The games area is situated on the Robert Bloomfield Middle School site. It can be and is used for football, basketball, netball, hockey and tennis. To make a booking contact the manager on 077313 94372.
Reduced charges are available for block bookings and junior users, though they must be supervised by a responsible adult. The Bloomfield Games Association is the body responsible for the games area and it has representatives from the following organisations, the County Council, the District Council, the Town Council the governing body of Robert Bloomfield Middle School, community user groups.
It normally holds its AGM in June. If you wish further information please contact the Secretary,
Lorna McGregor on 01462 811228.
Bowls Club
Credit Union Collection,
Shefford The Credit Union Collection, Shefford House. 15High Street, Shefford – If you are interested in saving for a holiday, Christmas or special occasions speak to Credit Union. You can save as little or as much as you want. For more info, pop into Shefford House on a Friday morning and have a chat.
Community and Voluntary Service
For details see web page
Dreams Theatre School
Classes in acting, singing and dancing in Biggleswade and Stotfold
Good Neighbour Group
The Shefford Good Neighbour Group is a voluntary initiative run by local residents who recognise the value of having “good neighbours” particularly in rural areas where public transport and other local services can be limited. Tel: 0759 9937 811
HFT (The Home Farm Trust)
A national charity providing services to adults with learning disabilities. Residential and daycare services in the Shefford area.
Karate Club
Shefford Karate (JKSK)
Monday 6.00-7.00pm
Shefford Town Memorial Hall
Tel: 07742 820956
See www.jksk.co.uk for further details
Kumon Learning Groups
Contact:Janice Thompson
Tel: (01767) 312566
See Kumon Web Site for further details
Ladies Keep Fit
Monday 8:00 – 9:00pm
Samuel Whitbread School – Youth Club
Contact: Marina Warwick
Tel: (01462) 628856
Mini Music Makers
9.45am and 10.25am during term time. Pre-school music classes for families with babies and young children. Creative music sessions include singing, puppets, percussion instruments and more.
Contact Catherine Woodhouse 01462 491317
or email: catherinewoodhouse@tesco.net
National Women’s Register (Clifton and District)
2nd Tuesday and 4th Thursday of the month
Contact: Joy Lakin – Tel: (01462) 81359
Central Bedfordshire Neighbourhood Watch Association
North Herts Reel Club
(Scottish Country Dancing)
Most Wednesdays (from September to May)
at Roecroft School, Church Road, Stotfold – 8:00 – 10:00pm
New members and beginners always welcome –
Contact: Mrs. J. Warburton
Tel: (01462) 812691
Orchard Children’s Centre
Sure Start Children’s Centre in Shefford that also serves the surrounding villages. Sure Start Children’s Centres provide information, support and activities to children under five and their families. We are managed by Shefford Lower School and have a base on their site, although we provide a number of sessions in community venues.
or visit website
Over 60’s Coffee Club
Wednesdays 9:30am – 11.00am
Community Hall
Contact: John Francis
Tel: (01234) 381533
Parish Paths Partnership (P3)
(conserving footpaths & bridleways)
Shefford Parish Paths Partnership (P3) Group consists of six volunteers who are interested in keeping clear, and encouraging more use of, local public footpaths and bridleways. To this end we hold regular working parties to clear litter and brambles etc. from local paths.
We have also produced a Walks Board which is fixed to the wall outside the Town Meeting Room, Northbridge Street, Shefford. The Walks Board shows eight circular walks, all starting outside the Town Meeting Room, all of different distances, and varying in the landscape and views available.
Following the installation of the Walks Board, the Group has now produced a walks leaflet for each of the eight walks. These leaflets are available in a pack, free of charge, from the Shefford Library. During the course of each year we attend Courses to learn the legal aspects of Rights of Way, how to erect footpath furniture (styles, kissing gates etc.), how to do proper surveys of footpaths to ensure that they are kept clear with a reasonable walking surface, how to do emergency first aid, how to plant and look after trees, and many other matters all relating to footpaths and bridleways. Several of our members have attended a course and obtained a Certificate to enable them to use and maintain a Strimmer.
The funding for the courses and the equipment is provided in partnership by the County Council, the Countryside Commission, and the Town Council. A Rural Action grant (funded by The Countryside Commission, English Nature, and the Rural Development Commission) was obtained to produce the Walks Board.
Contact: Jennifier Harrison
Tel: (01462) 814946
Shefford Art Society
2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month 7:30pm
Community Hall
Contact: Diane Carr
Tel: (01462) 700422
Shefford and District Amateur Radio Society
See Web Site for details
Shefford and District Angling Association
See Web Page for details
Shefford Parents and Toddlers
Thursdays 1.30 -3.15 p.m.
Methodist Church Hall
Shefford Majorettes
As a small voluntary group, funds for renewing and updating uniforms, equipment, travel and refreshments are always vital. We are very grateful to these organisations for their support. Sponsorship enables us to purchase new equipment and progress with the troupe and our displays. We are always looking for more sponsorship. If you can contribute in anyway, please contact us.
If you are interested in becoming a majorette, would like to book for Shefford Majorettes for an event or are able to help support us in any way please contact either:
Paulette – Secretary: (01462) 629646
or Yvonne – Chairperson: (01462) 816116
Alternatively email: ymountcastle@aol.com
Shefford Saints Football Club (Juniors)
U6’s to U18’s including girls teams
Chairman, Graham Earl
Secretary, Andrew Hall
7 Ampthill Road, Shefford, Beds, SG17 5BD
01462 814712
Shefford Scout Group
See Web Page for details
Shefford Taekwon-do Martial Arts School
See Web Page for details and then find a school
Contact: Phillip Bartlette
Tel: 0776 688 0016
Shefford Town Band
See Town Band Web Site for details
Shefford Bowls Club
See Web Site for details
Shefford Womens Institute
3rd Tuesday of each month 7:30pm
Community Hall
Contact: Mrs. Miriam Cullip
Tel: (01462) 811065
Shefford Town Memorial Association (STMA)
The Memorial Hall, Hitchin Road, Section activities include: Bowls, Cricket, Snooker, Modern Sequence Dancing, Darts, Pool, Dominoes.
Contact: Bookings John Batcheldor
Tel: (01462) 628426
Shefford and Villages National Childbirth Trust
Provides information and support in pregnancy, childbirth and early parenthood.
Ante-natal classes, local coffee mornings and Breastfeeding counsellors.
Website details – Contact: Jane Shorten – Tel: (01462) 851487
Shefford & District Royal British Legion
See web page for details
Shefford Craft and Produce Show
Craft and Produce Show held annually in September
Methodist Church Hall
Contact keith.allard@ntlworld.com